Wowza!!! Botox has many solutions for us.
I subscribe to many spa and medical spa newsletters, magazines, groups, associations, and more. I love receiving useful information and...

Brazillian Wax
Scaping the lower regions began many many years ago. Sadly, many women are still foreign to this service. Many don't understand that this...

New Skin with a Pen (Microneedling)
Micro-needling has me geeking! I love any kind of skin care treatment that actually works on all skin types (Fitzpatrick Scale). Also...

DermaFiling or MicroNeedling
I get alot of questions on DermaRolling/Filing or properly called MicroNeedling. I give it a partial thumbs up for the rollers and a big...

Dry Lips? Try a wonderful make-at-home Lip Scrub!
Hello Beauties! Happy DIY'ing! As you prepare for a beautiful fall, think about the forgotten areas of your body like your lips. Many of...

Eyelash Extension Daily Care
Hello Dolls! We know you're curious to know what is the daily care of these lash extensions. Is there any maintenence required? YES!!!...
Xpress Dermafile Facial News
The effects of our Xpress Dermafile facial are all the rave with our clients. We are loving this smoothing facial which mimics microderm...

The whole world is not interested in butt implants!
As we all watch sadly while all of hollywood goes butt crazy, don't get caught up in the hype. Regular excercise and good health/eating...
Proper Facial Cleansing & Anti-Aging Do's
I am always amazed by peoples willingness to improperly care for their skin. Many people do not have a daily cleaning regimen at all....