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Brazillian Wax

Scaping the lower regions began many many years ago. Sadly, many women are still foreign to this service. Many don't understand that this service is more that just an invasion of ones modesty.

For women, it's about hygeine as well as being neat and tidy in a bathing suit. The clean feel you have with a brazilian wax along with the smoothness no other hair removal can provide it priceless. When you do have you rrestroom break, you wipe and you KNOW that you KNOW that you're all good. You feel better in your panties and it even makes you naturally feel sexier.

Starting anywhere from $50 to upwards of $100, it's a monthly service that many women rank right up there with eyelash extensions, nails, and hair. The re-wax visits (if you go regularly) at most places are around $40-$45. You'll find many different types of waxes available but an expert uses hard wax unless the hair type warrants soft wax. It takes about 30 minutes for a first-timer sometimes even an hour if you're a big baby! But re-waxes take as little at 15 minutes. See, simple right?

Your partner will go crazy when they see you've had a brazillian wax. Men simply lose their minds over them. I guess the smoothness and easier access (sorry but this is a necessary disclosure) gives them a feeling like no other. Don't take my word for it. Ask a friend or call any spa that does them. They'll all say the exact same thing. Your partner will remind you of your next appointment! I promose.

So, if you haven't tried a brazillian, what are you waiting for? We offer them here as Spa Therapy but many places in our city and all over the world do as well.

For more information visit our Wax page on the site.

Happy Waxing!

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