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Dry Lips? Try a wonderful make-at-home Lip Scrub!

Hello Beauties! Happy DIY'ing! As you prepare for a beautiful fall, think about the forgotten areas of your body like your lips. Many of us suffer from dehydration. When your lips are dry, you can bet it's a sign of your body being dehydrated.

Here is a very yummy Lip Scrub you can make at home.

Best Lip Scrub Recipe for Smooth, Kissable, Luscious Lips!

Things You’ll Need: * Small Bowl * Spoon * 1 tsp Brown Sugar * ½ tsp Olive Oil or Coconut Oil * Toothbrush with “soft” bristles (optional)

Step by Step Instructions: 1. In the small bowl, mix brown sugar and olive oil (or coconut oil) together using a spoon. The mixture should be a paste-like consistency.

2. Using your index finger and your middle finger, scoop some of the lip scrub mixture onto your fingers; gently pat the mixture onto your lips.

3. Using a circular motion, move your fingers gently around your entire lip area for approximately 10 seconds. Note: for advanced exfoliation, use a soft bristled toothbrush and “lightly brush” the mixture in a circular motion around your lip area. Don’t brush too hard!

4. Let the mixture sit for 2 minutes.

5. Rinse mixture away from your lips with warm water.

6. Immediately apply olive oil or coconut oil to soothe your lip area. Use weekly.

Salt or Sugar? Although salt scrubs are great for the body, we do not recommend the use of salt as a substitute for sugar when making a lip scrub. Sugar tastes more yummy, but most importantly, salt can be irritating to your lips.

Caution! Be careful not to over exfoliate! Lip scrubs should only be used once per week. Lip tissue is extremely sensitive and the use of lip scrubs too often can result in damaged lip tissue.

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